MSME Development Forum is a non-profit organization, working to promote, revive, & accelerate the growth of MSME & Start-ups Ecosystem in India, Particularly LAGHU UDHYAMIs (Small Entrepreneurs), Budding and Young Entrepreneurs to strengthen Socio-Economic Structure and to generate a required number of Entrepreneurial Job Opportunities for 65% Young India to boost economic activities in the country. It is working as a catalyst between Government Bodies, Youths and the Business communities for the successful implementation of Skill India, Make in India, Digital India, Start-Up India, Stand-Up India and Make India World’s Manufacturing & Sourcing Hub.

MSME Development Forum is a non-profit organization, working to promote, revive, & accelerate the growth of MSME & Start-ups Ecosystem in India, Particularly LAGHU UDHYAMIs (Small Entrepreneurs), Budding and Young Entrepreneurs to strengthen Socio-Economic Structure and to generate a required number of Entrepreneurial Job Opportunities for 65% Young India to boost economic activities in the country. It is working as a catalyst between Government Bodies, Youths and the Business communities for the successful implementation of Skill India, Make in India, Digital India, Start-Up India, Stand-Up India and Make India World’s Manufacturing & Sourcing Hub.


  • To facilitate Global SME / Trade – Industry / Investors / Technology / service providers & collaborators to identify new Import-Export destinations / Opportunities / markets.
  • To provide a common platform for various countries to show case their business & tech. strengths to forge cross border Partnerships.
  • To Connect SME’s with Government buying / procurement agencies / Department with their hand holding.
  • To Connect Global SME’s for Mutual Business Promotion & to facilitate knowhow / knowledge & technology transfer in either Country.
  • To connect key decision makers, business leaders and multilateral global funding agencies to address issues common to SME’s.


  • To be India’s leading Business lobbying, Policy intervention & Advocacy Forum / Chamber.
  • To spread awareness about the government’s ease of doing business schemes /policies & regulations.
  • To promote India as “Worlds manufacturing, sourcing, exporting & investment Hub.
  • To Transform job seekers to job creators


  • To facilitate Global SME / Trade – Industry / Investors / Technology / service providers & collaborators to identify new Import-Export destinations / Opportunities / markets.
  • To provide a common platform for various countries to show case their business & tech. strengths to forge cross border Partnerships.
  • To Connect SME’s with Government buying / procurement agencies / Department with their hand holding.
  • To Connect Global SME’s for Mutual Business Promotion & to facilitate knowhow / knowledge & technology transfer in either Country.
  • To connect key decision makers, business leaders and multilateral global funding agencies to address issues common to SME’s.


  • To be India’s leading Business lobbying, Policy intervention & Advocacy Forum / Chamber.
  • To spread awareness about the government’s ease of doing business schemes /policies & regulations.
  • To promote India as “Worlds manufacturing, sourcing, exporting & investment Hub.
  • To Transform job seekers to job creators

Our Services

  • Legal & Compliance
  • Import & Export Solutions
  • Joint-Ventures
  • IT- Solutions
  • Fundraising
  • Insolvency


  • Expo
  • Regional
  • Intro to Summit

Our Services

  • Legal & Compliance
  • Import & Export Solutions
  • Joint-Ventures
  • IT- Solutions
  • Fundraising
  • Insolvency


  • Expo
  • Regional
  • Intro to Summit

managing committee


Sudhir Jha

Vice president



Secretary- General




Nipun Kohli - Production Head MSME Development Forum

Nipun Kohli

Production Head


Ruchin Kohli

Director, Events & Promotions

What is msme?

Definitions of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Following the provision of the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) are classified into two Classes:

MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES: the enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production of goods about any industry specified in the first schedule to the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951) or employing plant and machinery in the process of value addition to the final product having a distinct name or character or use. The Manufacturing Enterprise is defined in terms of investment in Plant & Machinery.

SERVICE ENTERPRISES: The enterprises engaged in providing or rendering services are defined in terms of investment in equipment.

The limit for investment in plant and machinery/equipment for manufacturing / service enterprises, as notified, vide S.O. 1642(E) dtd.29-09-2006 are as under

MSME in India

  • India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and has successfully sustained recent Global Pandemic downturn to emerge as
    one of the leading Nations with 1.35 billion people & Skilled Work force
    with high disposable income.
  • Despite Economic slowdown experienced by major developed and
    developing world, India is growing at a consistent pace.
  • In the globalized economy, SME’s are the driving force behind a large number of innovations, stimulate private ownership, initiate entrepreneurial skills, help diverse economic activities and contribute to the National growth through manufacturing, employment generation & Investments.
  • It is diverse in terms of size, technology, location in India with range of about 8000 different products, spanning from grass root village industry to hi-tech Electronic, Defense & satellite components.
  • 12 Crore MSMEs are engaged in 6.25 Crore enterprises, involving Approx.  60 crore people i.e. 45 % of India’s population

What is msme?

Definitions of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Following the provision of the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) are classified into two Classes:

MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES: the enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production of goods about any industry specified in the first schedule to the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951) or employing plant and machinery in the process of value addition to the final product having a distinct name or character or use. The Manufacturing Enterprise is defined in terms of investment in Plant & Machinery.

SERVICE ENTERPRISES: The enterprises engaged in providing or rendering services are defined in terms of investment in equipment.

The limit for investment in plant and machinery/equipment for manufacturing / service enterprises, as notified, vide S.O. 1642(E) dtd.29-09-2006 are as under

MSME in India

  • India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and has successfully sustained recent Global Pandemic downturn to emerge as
    one of the leading Nations with 1.35 billion people & Skilled Work force
    with high disposable income.
  • Despite Economic slowdown experienced by major developed and
    developing world, India is growing at a consistent pace.
  • In the globalized economy, SME’s are the driving force behind a large number of innovations, stimulate private ownership, initiate entrepreneurial skills, help diverse economic activities and contribute to the National growth through manufacturing, employment generation & Investments.
  • It is diverse in terms of size, technology, location in India with range of about 8000 different products, spanning from grass root village industry to hi-tech Electronic, Defense & satellite components.
  • 12 Crore MSMEs are engaged in 6.25 Crore enterprises, involving Approx.  60 crore people i.e. 45 % of India’s population